The Time2000 brief was highly unusual: a client approached AVL and WSD
to devise a multi-purpose module based on the dimensions of shipping container
that could be mass produced and then transported to its desired location.
The module features a series of inter-changeable removal panels in the
floor, roof and walls that created a space that could be used in a variety
of ways. A collection of fold-away components (encompassing everything
from sliding screens, kitchen joinery, beds and staircases) allows for
the flexible arrangement of the spaces, such as joining two or more modules
together with connecting stairs and mezzanines. The project also emphasised
environmental sustainability: internal air quality is controlled with
geothermal air conditioning and beneath the photo-voltaic glass roof are
permaculture gardens. Waste from the scheme is treated by a Dowmus Waste
Management System before reticulating back into the roof garden. Work
in association with WSD.